Friday, September 5, 2008

Biodiesel from Soy Bean?

As I was reading regarding GMOF (Genetically Modified Organism & Food), I came across an article about “Biodiesel made of Soy Bean Oil”.

Through biotechnology which produces GMOF soy beans, there are still plenty of soy bean for meeting the demands of food production. But the surplus needed to be utilized. That’s why the soybean checks off helped develop the U.S. biodiesel industry through research funding to find new uses for soybean oil. One of those uses was soy biodiesel. Over time, the industry grew and provided great new opportunities for all soy bean farmers, not to mention increased energy security and environmental benefits for us all. This will boost the demand for soybeans, but not at the risk of sacrificing food use.

In reality, food production is still the number one use for soybean oil worldwide.Let’s not forget the other major component of soybeans – soy bean foods!!

Soy Bean Milk

Bean curd


Soy Bean Pasta

Soy Bean & Sesame Ice Cream

SOY BEAN is recently made into ….

Which runs…

How environment friendly…Don’t you think so?
This proves the power of biotechnology!


Unknown said...

wow.. so interesting..
i hope someday i can get into biodiesel car made by soy bean with michelle. =)

Unknown said...

i heard that it soy beans can make 'something' bigger..if you know what I mean..hehe

chelle said...

meor, i think we r goin o learn bout biodiesel in mechanics of fluid..soon! hehe

chelle said...

yeah sure..some myth said so.. cliffo cheeky!!

chelle said...
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