Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Just In Squash

Squash is one of my favourite sports. What makes squash different from the rest of my favourite sports is that, i play squash and experience the whole match and even tournament myself. Well, u might like football because of its pro-active and extravagant football club with all these super-skilled and gorgeous football player, but you don’t get yourself involved for real by playing football.

Getting yourself involved in sports during your leisure time not only benefits you in terms of health but it also brings you satisfaction as it rejuvenates your mind and soul. Its brings out the sportsmanship in you! You also get to socialize in sports and meet new mates when you had a friendly match. Moreover, you will get to learn various techniques from each other as your polish up your skills in your favourite sports.

I started playing squash at the age of 12. When i entered high school, i entered under-15 squash tournament. It was overall a challenging tournament, because i was one of the junior then and all my senior were real fabulous players. Strict, hardworking and dedicated perfectly describe my coach, Sir Justin. That's why he named his squash team " JUST IN SQUASH "! He trained and monitor us on squash training and matches as well as....fitness training!!! Argh.. those days with all the never-ending running, jogging, push ups...to maintain the optimum level of fitness for all the players. Anyways, it was all so yesterday..

Here are some squash basic info i would like to share with you all...hehe..

squash court

interational dimension of squash court

squash ball and racquet

Infomation on squash ball based on the dotted spot colour:

Double Yellow - Very low bounce (For beginners)
Yellow - Low bounce
Green or White - Average bounce
Red - High bounce
Blue - Very high bounce (For Professional Players)


Unknown said...

can you teach me how to play squash? hehe

chelle said...

sure... but i thought u prefer badminton and tennis?

Unknown said...

I don't mind playing any sports, I even play basketball ya..