Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Caring is Charity

If others say SHARING is CARING..then I’ll say, CARING is CHARITY! Cheers!

I used to get involved in charity activities due to my sensitive characteristic. I always wanted to help the poor, the sick and suffering. I have found peace and satisfaction by helping others in need through charity activities. Since I was young I tend to have this feeling of sympathy towards others who are less fortunate than I am.

I join the Red Crescent Society since I was in primary school. From there, I always joined charity visits to the Old Folks Home, Cheshire Home, Hospital and Children’s Cancer Ward Visit. Besides that, I also got myself involved in an organization of fund raising in Jumble Sale to help the less fortunate and the poor. One of my greatest achievements in charity event was the “Blood Donating” event. Actually, I wanted to donate blood since I was 16 years. However my parents forbid me from doing so. Finally when I’m 18, (since we don’t have to consult our parents’ permission anymore) I’ve made my own decision to donate blood. It was a mind boggling experience. I was so excited and happy because I was able to fulfill my charity intention.

My picture of blood donating:


Unknown said...

it looks painful, huhu! :(

chelle said...

ya dear? is not painful..i was very excited then.

Unknown said...

why excited ya? painful waa dear..